Short thesis
glomex-CEO Michael Jaschke ist überzeugt, dass die Branche ihr Schicksal wieder selbst in die Hand nehmen muss. “Content is King” ist nicht nur eine dieser Phrasen, die uns in der Advertising-Welt immer wieder begegnen. Dieses Credo kann tatsächlich Realität sein - wenn sich Inhaber von Premium-Videoinhalten von YouTube und Facebook emanzipieren.
Michael Jaschke zeigt in seinem Vortrag, weshalb Werbetreibende nicht länger auf Hypertargeting auf Profilbasis setzen sollten. Vielmehr muss die Werbewelt sich endlich des Themas User-Centricity annehmen und den Nutzer aus den geschlossenen Systemen von Facebook und YouTube herausholen. Die Branche, so Jaschkes Überzeugung, muss sich von den beiden Giganten emanzipieren.
This session will take place in German and will be translated into English.
Video is the oil of the content and advertising industry The only ones, however, who draw significant earnings from it, are Facebook and YouTube. According to IAB, they share a combined 99 per cent of all revenue growth in the US advertising industry. Both platforms are very aware of their market predominance and imagine themselves secure – despite constant criticism concerning range measurements and low CPM. But actually, power lies with the licensers: they can market their content way better outside these sealed ecosystems.
Michael Jaschke, CEO of glomex, is convinced that the industry must reclaim its destiny. “Content is king” is not just one of the catchphrases we keep coming across in the world of advertising. It is a credo that could become reality – once premium video owners emancipate from YouTube and Facebook.
In his presentation, Michael Jaschke is demonstrating why advertisers should no longer focus on profile-based hyper-targeting. Rather, the advertising world should finally take charge of user centricity and start leading users out of Facebook and YouTube. The industry, Jaschke is convinced, must emancipate from both giants.