Hannes Heyelmann ist Senior Vice President and Managing Director Central and Eastern Europe and International Original Programming Strategy bei Turner. Er verantwortet die Geschäfte von Turner im deutschsprachigen Raum, in den Beneluxländern sowie in Mittel-/Osteuropa und Russland, wo Turner derzeit 12 Sender, darunter TNT Serie, TNT Film, TNT Comedy, TNT, Cartoon Network, Boomerang und CNN International betreibt. Heyelmann verantwortet die Eigenproduktionsstrategie von Turner International im General Entertainment Bereich und gehört dem Senior-Management-Team von Turner für Europa, den Nahen Osten und Afrika (EMEA-Region) an. Heyelmann arbeitet seit 2001 in verschieden Funktionen für Turner, darunter auch drei Jahre in der Vorstandsstabstelle Unternehmensstrategie in der Turner-Zentrale in Atlanta, USA, sowie im Bereich Business Development in London und zuletzt in München als Geschäftsführer für den deutschsprachigen Raum. Vor seiner Arbeit bei Turner war Heyelmann im Business Development der deutschen Geschäftsstelle von AOL, damals ebenfalls ein Unternehmen der Time Warner Gruppe, tätig. Der gebürtige Hamburger ist Absolvent des internationalen Doppeldiplom Studiengangs der Betriebswirtschaft an der European School of Business (ESB) Reutlingen und der Northeastern University in Boston, USA. _______ Hannes Heyelmann, Senior Vice President and Managing Director Central and Eastern Europe and International Original Programming Strategy, is responsible for Turner in the German-speaking territories, the Benelux countries, Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia, where Turner runs 12 channel feeds, including TNT Serie, TNT Film, TNT, TNT Glitz, Cartoon Network, Boomerang and CNN International. Additionally Heyelmann represents Turner International as its liaison executive with the general entertainment production teams in the United States and forms part of the senior management team of Turner for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA region). Heyelmann has been working in different positions for Turner Broadcasting System since 2001, including three years in the corporate strategic planning group at the Turner headquarters in Atlanta, USA, the business development department in London, and most recently as general manager for the German-speaking market in Munich. Prior to his work with Turner, Heyelmann was in the business development group of AOL’s German branch, which was also part of the Time Warner Group at the time. Heyelmann, who was born in Hamburg, graduated with a double degree in international management from the European School of Business (ESB) Reutlingen, Germany, and the Northeastern University in Boston, USA.
Hannes Heyelmann
Senior Vice President & Managing Director, Central and Eastern Europe & International Programming Strategy